Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nice to see you.

My family and I planted flowers around my grandparents grave.

We usually do this on Mother's Day, but we waited a little longer this year. Lucky for us, my mom, Angel, Triston & Kiandra are in Denver for the event. Even Uncle Mike & Austyn where there!

See the empty grassy area?
My grandparents are surrounded by the souls of lost little ones.

Paul & Evelyn Wishard

In Love Forever.

Maura looks a little unhappy about her cell phone.


Lovely self portrait!


After our trip to the cemetary, Uncle Mike suggested that we go to Carl's. This is our most common meeting place as a family. We grew up eating here! I gave Kiandra my camera and asked her to get photos of everyone. This is what she came back with.


Angel & Mom (Laura)

Austyn must have taken a couple of these.



Maura, Micaela & I
Very nice!

Oh look! A clear photo~!
Uncle Mike and Audrey

My family is so kick ass. It was really nice to see them!

Later that night Jake and I resumed watching Dexter, Season 2. Ever since we started watching I have had a SERIOUS hankering for a doughnut. In the show Dexter works for a police department. There is a few times that he brings doughnuts to his job. Jake agreed to my craving & we headed to Winchell's.

Doughnuts & a hot Chai? Yes PLEASE!

It was a pretty big choice...

but I knew he would end up with chocolate!

All in all, Saturday was pretty awesome!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Photo Challenge Day 8

Day 08 - A photo of someone you lost touch with.

This is Liz, but when I knew her she was Libby. We grew up together. Our houses where on each end of the alley and our parents where really good friends. I don't have many memories as a little kid without her. I don't know where she is now, but I hope that all is well in her world.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey mambo! Jonny Italiano!

 I love me some Jonny pizza face! 
This was from a few weeks ago, but cute none the less!

Audrey came over on Saturday night. 
I asked Jonny what do you want to eat and named a few things. 
His response... Pizza! A boy after my own heart!

We headed to Carl's Pizza. 
Since Jonny was so hungry Audrey ordered him spaghetti. 
He started out with a clean face...

But give a kid a spoon & noodles and you're sure to have a mess!


I like the slurp in this next video.
Grammie must be teaching him the right way to eat noodles.
Yeay Grammie!!

For good measure we took photos of ourselves.

Audrey with "Jonny Italiano".

Jonny finished off dinner at Carl's by entertaining us. 

He's pretty much the best dinner date we've ever had!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Z.E.P. = Zombie Evacuation Plan

I bet you didnt know I hang out with Zombies.

This picture was taken while I did some research on Zombie behavior in an uncontrolled environment. The city released hundreds of Zombie's downtown for a short period of time to see how fast panic could spread.

I made friends with some local Zombie's. Notice how they aren't trying to eat me, but also notice the nervous look on my face.

The Z.E.P. aka Zombie Evacuation Plan is the master plan of Jake, myself, Boyd, Eric & Doug. Its a list of idea's and well laid plans if Zombies ever attack. I guarantee we will be the only survivors in Denver. Should there be a Zombie rampage, tune in to a short wave radio for our location.

"Are we nuts?" you might ask... Well when Zombies start eating your brains, rethink that question.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thinking of Dad

I found this random picture yesterday of me and my pop.
Just thinking about him a lot today...

God Bless You

I think Blogger sneezed, cause half of the new stuff I posted is missing...

Sac le bleu! I have missed one!

Recognize this car? You may remember it from such birthday decorations as, the pirate ship, the gnome-dome, the Easter bunny basket and the hearsevic.


Why is this relevant you might ask? Well since the lovely "Lady Elizabeth" is still in the family, the owner unknowingly agreed upon birthday decoration. Its tradition!

Target: Naomi.

Her boyfriend Chris helped us out by making a copy of her car key, you know "just for emergencies." Thanks Chris!

After a brief brainstorming, Maura and I came up with our theme... "Under Naomi's Sea", a tribute to our beautiful mermaid birthday princess!

We left her a clue as well!

Supplies? Check!

Inflatable palm tree beer cooler? Check!

Sea shells? Check!

Girl power? Check!

We where so happy with our aquarium. Lady Elizabeth was a sea of creatures and balloons.

Last but not least... CONFETTI!!! I love a good glittery mess!

We wrote Naomi a poem for the cherry on top. "If I was a seahorse, you could call me Steve, but if I was seaweed, I'd be like, bitch please! But what we're really trying to say here, is have an amazing year!" It doesn't really make any sense, but it made us laugh while writing it.

This is going to be one happy birthday girl!