IKEA is a BEAST. We'll get to that later though.
We where so busy with bee-day parties at Bender's and bee-day parties at the ol' Phillips' homestead, that my actual bee-day was kind of a snooze, lol.
While Jake slept I got a little bored...
But when he woke, something terrific happened!
Peep the AMAZING gift Jake gave me. I nearly pee'd myself!
That night, Nate, Jen, Jake & I headed downtown for a little late night dining.
Dinner was beautiful and the company was terrific!
A bottle of wine & I was feelin' fine!
We ended the night with a bottle of champagne on Cheryl's back patio.
I wish I could celebrate every occasion with my Maydan's.
The next day I planned out a dessert for Nate & Jen's last dinner in Denver.
You didn't think it would take me long to break this baby in, did you?
Ingredients? Check!
Here's a shot of my whole laboratory.
Must be pronounced la-bor-a-tory for the proper effect.
Jake helped with the finishing touches.
Amazingly cute...
...amazingly delish!
"But I don't want you to go!" I cried
So did Jonny
Jen took on the kids in the bouncing castle.
Cyrus used her for a bridge...
...then tickled her like crazy.
Just when Cy was warming up to us, they had to go. I'm super bummed.
That night he said "I love you Aunt Jessie, see you next time."
I cried all the way home.
My turn for a nap.
Izzy & Wicket's turn to get crazy.
Crazy on catnip.
Finally Friday rolls around. "What's next Jake?"
This has to be the gnarliest building ever.
Most massive shopping experience ever.
Best bargains ever! What what!!!
Somehow that night we ended up at Lakeside again.
This time with my Mom, Angel, Audrey & the kids.
Kiandra's in front!
Hey it's Triston!
Jonny didn't want to ride again, so we watched T & K get crazy.
After about 3 kids rides, Trist-o begged me to take him on some bigger rides.
How could I say no. First, the Whip!!!
He had a smile from ear to ear.
Bumper cars!
Last but not least, the carousel.
We staked our claim on some good looking ponies.
Right before the ride started, I saw sometime in my hair.
"Ahem, Jake? What's in my hair????"
Scariest spider I have seen in my whole dang life!
On my hair? WTF!? It had come down from above the carousel!!!
I really have no idea how I survived, but I did. Thanks to Jake for yelling "Oh shit!" and smacking that sucker down to the ground.
What an adventure!
Too cute!